Arrange the letter for the word

by Abeer X


Standard projects (Word Guessing) 1- the computer select random secret word from a list built into the program, and put 8 incorrect guesses count 2- the user guesses and Enter a letter 2.1- if the letter in secret word>> the word is redisplayed with letter shown in the correct positions , the same guesses count 2.2- if the letter not in secret word>> the user is charged with an incorrect guess, the guesses count reduce by 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Other project (Arrange the letter for the word) 1-The computer select random secret word from a list built into the program, shuffle the letter and display for the user ,set the count for correct & wrong Answers 2- The user try to figurer out the word if he/she typing the word and press to check 2.1- if the word correct >> will display Success message , the correct count increase by 1 2.2- if type wrong word >> will display Error message , the wrong count increase by 1 2.3. the user have option to change the word by click the new word button