Project 1047

by Alejandro G


I did the Brickbreaker project, it resulted so difficult to me. I put a score on the top left, but the numbers are overwritten. """ File: ---------------- YOUR DESCRIPTION HERE """ import tkinter import time import random # How big is the playing area? CANVAS_WIDTH = 605 # Width of drawing canvas in pixels CANVAS_HEIGHT = 700 # Height of drawing canvas in pixels # Constants for the bricks N_ROWS = 8 # How many rows of bricks are there? N_COLS = 10 # How many columns of bricks are there? SPACING = 5 # How much space is there between each brick? BRICK_START_Y = 50 # The y coordinate of the top-most brick BRICK_HEIGHT = 20 # How many pixels high is each brick BRICK_WIDTH = (CANVAS_WIDTH - (N_COLS+1) * SPACING ) / N_COLS # Constants for the ball and paddle BALL_SIZE = 40 PADDLE_Y = CANVAS_HEIGHT - 40 PADDLE_WIDTH = 80 def main(): canvas = make_canvas(CANVAS_WIDTH, CANVAS_HEIGHT, 'Brick Breaker') bricks = [] for col in range(N_COLS): for row in range(N_ROWS): draw_brick(canvas, col, row) bricks.append(draw_brick) score = [] turns = 0 ball = make_ball(canvas) # we now make a paddle paddle = canvas.create_rectangle(0, PADDLE_Y, PADDLE_WIDTH, CANVAS_HEIGHT - 20, fill="blue") dx = 10 dy = 7 # If ball hits the bottom three times, the game is over while turns < 3: # Get the mouse location and react to it mouse_x = canvas.winfo_pointerx() canvas.moveto(paddle, mouse_x, PADDLE_Y) canvas.move(ball, dx, dy) if hit_left_wall(canvas, ball) or hit_right_wall(canvas, ball): dx *= -1 if hit_bricks(canvas, ball, paddle, score): dy *= -1 if hit_top_wall(canvas, ball): dy *= -1 if hit_bottom_wall(canvas, ball): turns += 1 time.sleep(1) canvas.delete(ball) ball = make_ball(canvas) if turns == 3: canvas.delete(ball) canvas.delete(paddle) score_msg = canvas.create_text(302, 400, text="TOTAL SCORE: " + str(len(score)), font="Arial 20 ", anchor="s") # redraw canvas canvas.update() # pause time.sleep(1 / 50.) canvas.mainloop() def draw_brick(canvas, col, row): x = col * (SPACING + BRICK_WIDTH) + SPACING y = row * (SPACING + BRICK_HEIGHT) + BRICK_START_Y canvas.create_rectangle(x, y, x + (BRICK_WIDTH - 1), y + (BRICK_HEIGHT - 1), fill = 'red') def make_ball(canvas): x = (CANVAS_WIDTH - BALL_SIZE) / 2 y = (CANVAS_HEIGHT - BALL_SIZE) / 2 return canvas.create_oval(x, y, x + BALL_SIZE, y + BALL_SIZE, fill='yellow', outline='yellow') def hit_paddle(canvas, ball, paddle): paddle_coords = canvas.coords(paddle) x1 = paddle_coords[0] y1 = paddle_coords[1] x2 = paddle_coords[2] y2 = paddle_coords[3] results = canvas.find_overlapping(x1, y1, x2, y2) return len(results) > 1 def hit_bricks(canvas, ball, paddle, score): ball_coords = canvas.coords(ball) x_1 = ball_coords[0] y_1 = ball_coords[1] x_2 = ball_coords[2] y_2= ball_coords[3] results = canvas.find_overlapping(x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2) for object in results: if object == paddle or object == ball: return len(results) > 1 else: core_msg_up = canvas.create_text(100, 40, text="", font="Arial 12 ", anchor="s", ) score_msg_up = canvas.create_text(50, 40, text="SCORE: ", font="Arial 12 ", anchor="s", ) canvas.delete(object) score.append(canvas.delete(object)) msg = len(score) canvas.itemconfig(core_msg_up, text = str(msg)) def hit_left_wall(canvas, object): return get_left_x(canvas, object) <= 0 def hit_top_wall(canvas, object): return get_top_y(canvas, object) <= 0 def hit_right_wall(canvas, object): return get_right_x(canvas, object) >= CANVAS_WIDTH def hit_bottom_wall(canvas, object): return get_bottom_y(canvas, object) >= CANVAS_HEIGHT ######## These helper methods use "lists" ########### ### Which is a concept you will learn Monday ########### def get_left_x(canvas, object): return canvas.coords(object)[0] def get_top_y(canvas, object): return canvas.coords(object)[1] def get_right_x(canvas, object): return canvas.coords(object)[2] def get_bottom_y(canvas, object): return canvas.coords(object)[3] def make_canvas(width, height, title): """ DO NOT MODIFY Creates and returns a drawing canvas of the given int size with a blue border, ready for drawing. """ top = tkinter.Tk() top.minsize(width=width, height=height) top.title(title) canvas = tkinter.Canvas(top, width=width + 1, height=height + 1) canvas.pack() return canvas if __name__ == '__main__': main() If the ball hits the bottom three times, the game is over.