This project is a high level demo for Bunco.
Bunco is a social dice game typically played by 12 players at 3 different tables of
4 players. Table 1 is in control of the game and starts it off with a bell ring. There are 6 rounds, in each round the
players can score if they roll dice matching the round number. In round 1 players are throwing for 1s, round 2 for 2s
and so on.
The scoring is as follows:-
1 point for each die that matches the round number
5 points for 3 of a kind that does not match round number - Funco!
21 points for 3 of a kind that matches round number - Bunco!
If points are scored, players keep throwing until they don't have a match.
A round is over when a player at Table 1 reaches 21, signaled by ringing the bell.
After 2 rounds players with the highest scores move to different tables, so they can chat with different folks!!
If players choose to add a money incentive prizes can be won for highest and lowest scores, highest number of Buncos
and Funcos.
This demo is for one player throwing dice until they reach 21 points. Scores are tracked, along with buncos and funcos.